What defines a ‘highly successful’ learning program?

Listen to the article 7 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. As a new era of artificial intelligence tools dawns, more employers seek the benefits of learning programs to ensure their workforces can meet the coming challenges. But with options for L&D broadening, what does a solid investment … Read more

How engaged learning inspires students to reach their full potential

Sirena Hargrove-Leak, Professor of Engineering at Elon University, understands firsthand the obstacles students can encounter in pursuing their education. Raised in rural North Carolina, she attended a high school with no honors or advanced classes, but gained confidence in her abilities with the critical encouragement of high school and college mentors. Now, as a professor … Read more

Pandemic learning loss could create another enrollment hurdle. What can higher ed do?

Listen to the article 3 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Dive Brief: Colleges should proactively seek to counter enrollment challenges that could stem from pandemic-era learning loss among K-12 students, including potentially fewer high school graduates — and less prepared students among those who do graduate, according … Read more