How the value of the 20 largest college endowments changed last year

College endowment returns averaged 7.7% after fees in fiscal year 2023, according to new data released Thursday from the National Association of College and University Business Officers and the Commonfund Institute, an asset management firm.  Although investment returns certainly help boost the value of endowments, they don’t reflect the full picture. Their market values also…

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Endowment returns averaged 7.7% in fiscal 2023

Listen to the article 4 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Dive Brief:  College endowment returns averaged 7.7% after fees in fiscal 2023, with gains largely due to strong public equity markets, according to new data released Thursday.  Smaller endowments saw the strongest one-year investment results in fiscal…

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Are Flexi Loans the Answer to Fluctuating Business Cash Flow?

Cash flow is essential for maintaining smooth operations in the ever-changing corporate world. It drives daily operations, including investing in expansion prospects and paying suppliers and staff. Cash flow isn’t always steady, though. Factors such as unexpected costs, market downturns, and seasonal variations can all seriously damage your financial stability. What should a businessperson do…

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